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Roller Hockey is a Team Game played by Girls, Boys, Men and Women of all ages.
The game is very Fast, Skillful, Technical, Tactical and Exciting!
At a club like Letchworth, we have Teams in u11s, u13s, u15s, u17s, u20s, EC2 and EC1.
Some age groups will have more than one team representing the club.
Other clubs will have a Premier League Team which from the 23/24 Season Letchworth will also be entering a Team into this League.
A Team consists of Ten Players, of which Eight are Field Players and Two are Goalkeepers.
The On-Rink Team consists of One Goalkeeper and Four Field Players (5 in Total)
Field Players -
Their kit consists of a Hockey Stick, Gloves, Kneepads, Shin Pads and a Protective Box.
Goalkeepers -
They wear a Helmet, Chest Pad, Gloves, Kneepads, Shin Pads and a Protective Box.
The game is played with a Vulcanized Rubber Ball, it has a 23cm Circumference and weighs 155g.
No, Rink/Roller Hockey is played using Quad Skates (not In-lines).
It is a Non-Contact Sport
The Sport operates a Rolling On/Off Substitution Rule.
The game is played on a Rink which measures 44mtrs x 22mtrs, with there being only two full size rinks in the country; Middlesborough and Herne Bay, most games are played using Sports Hall in Local Leisure Centres.
No, it is played Worldwide and is a Professional Sport in Countries like Portugal, Italy and Spain.
There are Four Regions in the UK, the Northern Counties, Eastern Counties, Southern Region and South East Region. Each Region will then consist of a number of Teams.
Yes, England competes in Europeans and World Tournaments from u17s and up in both Male and Female Competition
We have known skaters as young as 5/6 years old attend, of course at this age it is about Skating Ability, we can teach you the Hockey Part! To join the club we assess players abilities at one of our training sessions and discuss options moving forward.
Ideally Shorts and a T-Shirt, we can supply Shin-Pads, Knee-Pads, Stick and Gloves for you to borrow. We can also let you borrow some Skates if you don't have any of your own.
Letchworth Rink Hockey Club
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